Christian Lembke Technical AttachéWorld Customs Organization

Christian Lembke
Mr. Christian Lembke, as a Technical Attaché under the WCO Compliance and Facilitation Directorate since June 2020, is mainly involved in the area of the WCO Data Model, the online platform RAM-MAP SWIM, Advance Passenger Information as well as the Globally Networked Customs concept. He has worked as a Customs officer at Frankfurt am Main Airport (Germany) in the field of risk assessment for air cargo shipments since 2005. In addition, he has been involved in a risk assessment project in an EU working group at the international level.

Day 1 - 26 June, 2023 (Monday)

Time Session
WCO Data Model
Christian LembkeTechnical AttachéWorld Customs Organization Speaker Technical AttachéWorld Customs Organization
Juan Diego Chavarría Technical OfficerWorld Customs Organization Speaker Technical OfficerWorld Customs Organization
Mohammad Salahuddin Rizvi Professional Associate (PA) World Customs Organization Speaker Professional Associate (PA) World Customs Organization